**NVMS Conference Fund 2025 winners have been selected**

The NVMS Conference Fund supports early-career NVMS members from Dutch research institutions by contributing to the costs of active participation in an international conference, workshop, or school.

Eligibility: To qualify, applicants must be an NVMS member and an active researcher (BSc, MSc, PhD, or post-docs within two years of receiving their PhD) working at a Dutch institution with a minimum research position of 0.5 FTE. It is essential that applicants maintain the same position throughout the duration of their application and the conference. The work presented can take form of an oral presentation or a poster and must include a substantial amount of MS content, including practical applications. Please note that this award can only be awarded once to an individual.

Award amount: Funding amounts are capped at 1250 euros for events outside of Europe and 625 euros for events within Europe.

Selection criteria: The NVMS Conference Fund Committee evaluates applications based on several criteria, including the impact of the MS component presented in the submitted abstract, the justification for attending the conference/workshop/school of choice, the ways in which attending will enhance the applicant’s scientific development, and the relevance of their participation in the conference/workshop/school to the (young)-NVMS community.

Acknowledgement and agreements: Awardees are expected to publicly acknowledge the support of the NVMS/Young-NVMS during the conference/workshop/school by displaying the NVMS logo. Additionally, recipients must provide a brief summary (maximum half a page) accompanied by a photograph for inclusion in the NVMS newsletter, annual report and are also required to present their experiences at either the (young)NVMS Spring or Fall meeting.

Application deadline 2026: Feb 1st 2026.

We will only consider applications (for 2026) submitted to info@nvms.nl using the NVMS application form!

Sponsors: The NVMS conference fund is made possible by the NVMS annual sponsors: Bruker, dsm-firmenich, MS Vision, MS Wil, and Waters.

Evaluation committee for 2024/2025: Arjen Gerssen (Wageningen University & Research, WUR), Annemieke Kolkman (Nederlands Forensisch Insituut, NFI), Kelly Stecker (Utrecht University, UU).

Winners 2025:

Kevin Hooijschuur, Utrecht University, Analytical Glycosciences, Glycan Sequencing with Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

Raya(Arta) Sadighi, Vrije Universiteit, Department of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Laser Lab, Novel strategies for the characterization of the early-stages of aggregate formation of α-Synuclein using ion mobility mass spectrometry 

Laura Finazzi, Radbout University, HFML-FELIX Laboratory, Steroidal hormones fragmentation mechanisms revealed by infrared ion spectroscopy

Kimberly Garcia, Maastricht University, Maastricht Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i), EMBO Practical Course (participation and presentation): Imaging-based spatial-omics

Kas Houthuijs, Vrije Universiteit, One Step Closer to Accurate Quantification of Micro- and
Nanoplastics Using Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry


Winners from Previous Years:


Kasper Krestensen, Maastricht Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i), Molecular profiling of glioblastoma tumour patient-derived single cells using combined MSI and MALDI IHC

Laura van der Vloet, Maastricht Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i), Evaluating the biodistribution of antisense oligonucleotides in brain tissue and its impact on biological pathways using mass spectrometry imaging

Joshua Maliepaard, Utrecht University, Towards MS-based identification and quantification of glycopeptide isomers

Shelley Jager, Utrecht University, High-Quality Human Plasma N-Glycoproteomics on a ZenoTOF using optimized combinations of CID and electron activated dissociation (EAD)


Aljoscha Körber (M4I): Fast mass microscopy with increased sensitivity and mass resolution


NVMS Conference Fund:
Isabeau Vermeulen (M4I): Multimodal spatial omics in human focal epilepsy

Special IMSC2022 Fund:
Dario Cramer (UU): Charting The Proteoform Landscape Of The Serum Proteins By High-Resolution Native Mass Spectrometry
Denice van Herwerden (UvA): Naive Bayes classification model for isotopologue detection in LC-HRMS data
Wouter van Bergen (UU):  Phosphonate handles facilitate site-specific activity-based protein profiling
Constantin Blöchl (LUMC): Integrated N- and O-Glycomics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Lines
Danique van Rijswijk (UU): Personalized responses to viral infections revealed by monitoring serum IgG1 repertoires
Hany Majeed (VU): Trapped ion mobility spectrometry for the rapid separation and identification of positional isomers in designer-drugs mixtures
Johannes Hevler (UU): Combining cross-linking mass spectrometry and complexome profiling facilitates the selective analysis of protein complexes
Christoph Gstöttner (LUMC): Multidimensional liquid chromatographic approaches for automated analysis of biopharmaceuticals
Sebastiaan van den Wildenberg (TU/e): Immunoprecipitation coupled with µFlow-Top-Down High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Quantification of the Protein Tumor Biomarker Neuron-Specific Enolase
Peng Che (VU): A “Chemical Toolbox” for the generation of metabolite-like products of new psychoactive substances
Ariadni Geballa-Koukoula (WFSR): Immuno-enriched microspheres – magnetic blade spray tandem mass spectrometry for domoic acid in mussels
Jeroen Meijer (VU): The Identification of Thyroid Hormone System Disrupting Compounds in Human Cord Blood Samples using Effect-Directed Analysis


Agathe Depraz Depland (VU): Unravelling the peptides’ aggregation mechanism: Can TIMS-MS experiment be used to monitor and identify early oligomeric stages?
Iuliia Stroganova (VU): Coupling droplet microfluidics with Ion Mobility – Mass Spectrometry to study early steps of protein aggregation


Oleg Klykov
(Utrecht University): High-resolution model of Fibrin clots by crosslinking mass spectrometry
Naomi Vos (M4I): Class-specific lipid changes in tissue composition upon formalin fixation
Maurits den Boer (Utrecht University): Pros and cons of mass photometry and native mass spectrometry in the analysis of macromolecular immune complexes

Rolduc poster prize:
Victor Somovilla (Utrecht University): Exact structure elucidation of N-glycans with IMS 
Karli Reiding (Netherlands Proteomics Centre): Hybrid MS reveals the atypical glycosylation of myeloperoxidase

Rolduc Flash presentation:
Rianne van Ousterterp (Radboud University): Small molecule identification with IRIS: development and applications 


Darya Hadavi (M4I): Bridge academia and industry with flow reactors coupled with IMS-MS and save lives

Bram Heijs (LUMC): MS for MS; a mass spectrometry-based study into Multiple Sclerosis

IBBI2018 conference fund winners:

Lisanne Kempkes (Radboud), Sjors Bakels (Radboud), Yu-Hsien Lin (UU), Tobias Woerner (UU) en Max Hoek (UU)


Florian Barré (M4I): Playing hide-and-seek with pharmaceuticals: MALDI-2 augments mass spectrometry imaging

Noortje de Haan (LUMC): Mass spectrometric IgG Fc-glycosylation analysis in pediatric samples reveals age and physiological state-related differences

Frank Klont (RUG): Novel LC-MS assay unveils an acute decrease in serum sRAGE levels after cigarette smoking

Fred van Geenen (WUR): Ambient Characterization of Synthetic Fibers by Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Lieke Lamont (M4I): Neuropeptide analysis and identification from pituitary gland using LESA-µLC-HDMSE

OURCON V Conference fund winnaars:

Mridula Prasad (Radboud), Fanny Boyaval (LUMC), Martijn Arts (M4I) and Aladdin Taha (Erasmus)

OurCon Grant winners 01OurCon Grant winners 02


Martin Paine (M4I): A Novel MALDI Ion Funnel Source for High-throughput Accurate Mass Imaging on Orbitrap Mass Spectrometers

Renske Penning (UU): In-depth study of the molecular events underlying mGluR-LTD by combining pulsedSILAC/AHA labeling and phosphoproteomics: implications for ASD

Anne Bruinen (M4I): 3D TOF-SIMS of a surface modified supramolecular biomaterial
(Winner Rolduc2016 Poster Prize)

Sam Tamara (UU): 193 nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation Applied to Native MS
(Winner Rolduc2016 Poster Prize)

Sander Streng (UMC Maastricht): Amino acid sequence determination of the 16 kDa fragment band of cardiac troponin T in AMI-patients
(Winner Rolduc2016 Flash Presentation)


Hans Wessels (RadboudUMC): Analysis of proteoforms in membrane protein complexes by top-down proteomics

Michiel van de Waterbeemd (UU): A native mass spectrometric view at the assembly and cargo loading of protein nanocontainers

Sha Lou (LUMC): Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker Discovery of Soft Tissue Sarcoma by Mass Spectrometry Imaging
(Winner Best Poster Prize NVMS Spring Meeting 2015)

Tiffany Porta (M4I): Electrically Biased Pixelated Detector allows Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Non-covalent Biomolecular Complexes during Native Electrospray Mass Spectrometry


David Falck (LUMC): Influence of glycoforms on the tryptic digestion efficiency of immunoglobulin G based biopharmaceuticals

Guinevere Kammeijer (LUMC): Increasing sensitivity of glycopeptide analysis with CESI-MS

Anne Bruinen (FOM-AMOLF): Multimodal imaging for biological applications: X-ray microCT and mass spectrometry imaging

Jonathan Martens (RU): Development of a Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for Spectroscopic Characterization of Peptide Fragments Generated from CID/ETD using FELIX

Karolina Skraskova (FOM-AMOLF): Combined mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis image accumulation of fatty acids in the hindbrain of mouse models with impaired peroxisomal β-oxidation
(Winner Rolduc2014 Flash Presentation)

Rickdeb Sen (WUR): Throwing DARTs at the surface
(Winner Rolduc2014 Best Poster Presentation)

Mark Jansen (FOM-AMOLF): Mass spectrometry imaging of crude oil interfaces with water/brine and surfactants
(Winner Rolduc2014 Best Poster Presentation)


Wilco Duvivier (WUR): A New Approach in Hair Forensics

Marco Benevento (UU): Deep proteome profiling identifies distinct pluripotent cellular populations during somatic cell reprogramming into induced pluripotent stem cells


Jessica Bereszczak (UU): Characterisation of antibody binding to the Hepatitis B virus capsid: Combining native ion mobility mass spectrometry, GEMMA and hydrogen-deuterium exchange

Tim J.A. Dekker (LUMC): Imaging MS based patient stratification of triple negative breast cancer

Joost Snijder (UU): Native Mass Spectrometry as a tool to study virus assembly, maturation and cargo encapsulation

Nadine Mascini (FOM-AMOLF): Proteomic analysis reveals differences between xenograft models of triple-negative breast cancer associated with therapy response