Spring meeting at KWR
On the 12th of April 2018 the NVMS organized its spring meeting at KWR in Nieuwegein. Over 90 participants were present during the day. The subject of the day was Small Molecules and Structure Elucidation. For KWR a very relevant subject, because they use mass spectrometry to elucidate identities of unknown compounds present in water. Pyrazole is an example of a compound of which KWR unravelled the identity using mass spectrometry. It was interesting to see that the participants and speakers had a diverse background. They came among others from universities, (pharmaceutical) industry, medical university centres, mass spectrometry vendors, and research institutes (e.g. RIKILT and NFI). The speakers all apply the analytical technique mass spectrometry, but to answer different questions, like impurity profiling of active pharmaceutical ingredients, analysing bioactive compounds in household dust, analysing drug metabolites, and elucidation of pathways in biomedical research and diagnostics. Next to the interesting talks, ample opportunity for networking was programmed. Also a tour in the interesting KWR building was given with a special focus on the chemical laboratories and all their mass spec apparatus. The NVMS want to thank KWR for their hospitality and we hope to see you at our fall meeting.