NVMS Fall Meeting 2024
On November 11th, the annual NVMS Fall Meeting took place at Danone, Utrecht, where youngNVMS made noteworthy contributions, particularly in fostering discussions on current trending topics and emphasizing the role of young scientists.
“AI and Ethics in Science and Research”
The day featured a thought-provoking panel discussion. The panel was introduced by the head of youngNVMS PR, Ariadni Geballa-Koukoula, and the discussion was led by Lidia Molina Millán and Kristel Kuik, head of program and treasurer of youngNVMS, respectively. Our expert panelists, Dr. Tess Afanasyeva, Dr. Magnus Palmblad, and Prof. Dr. Peter Horvatovich, shared their insights. The conversation delved into how Mass Spectrometry utilizes AI for various applications, including molecule identification, while also confronting challenges such as AI bias, data misrepresentation, and misuse. It was universally acknowledged that AI is designed to support, not supplant, the scientific community. The discussion highlighted the critical need for continuous dialogue to effectively integrate AI technologies into scientific research.

“Young Scientists in Focus”
The day concluded with the “Young Scientists in Focus” Poster Awards. The awards were adjudicated by a committee from NVMS and yNVMS, including members Martin Pabst, Lidia Molina, and Ariadni Geballa-Koukoula, who evaluated entries on innovation, presentation quality, and visual appeal to ensure a fair and objective assessment. The Poster Prizes were awarded by the chair of youngNVMS, Pieter Langerhorst. We were delighted to honor two PhD students, Andrea Israti from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Cynthia Kelley from Utrecht University, who stood out in these categories. Each winner received €200, courtesy of our annual sponsors.

youngNVMS remains committed to fostering dialogue, advancing research, and nurturing the potential of young scientists.

Next stop: February 21st, 2025, for an upcoming youngNVMS activity…